Well, now you can see what I look like, anyway.
soji, Gary, Randy...those are a few of the names I'm known by
around the Net (one of my consuming interests at this point).
In real life(you mean this ain't real!?)I'm Gary Barnes. My
other interests, besides geekin', include poetry, (the haiku
form has become my passion), spirituality, cartooning, Renaissance
Faires and finding the worlds best glazed doughnut.
Born in 1938, I sometimes feel lost between two generations,
maybe three. For those interested in that sort of thing, I am
a retired electronics/computer tech.(It's how I made my living,
but was not my life.) The most interesting job I ever had was
working on the Glomar Challenger, a deep sea research ship, as
the resident computer tech., cartoonist and movie projector
Okay, suffering from IOS(Information Overload Syndrome), also
known as WTMI(Way Too Much Information)? In that case, I've got
some poetry,including haiku, and a lot of other good stuff, and
some terrific links out of here, just below. Thanks for stopping
by. Be good to one another, and remember, "You don't grow old and
stop dancing, you stop dancing and grow old. So, keep dancing!"
Abide in Love & Light;
Links to other pages at this site

These pages received these awards!
RetroPostNeoModernClassical Poetry
Favorite Poetry by My Friends & Others.
Another Damn Poetry Page??!!
My own poetry.
The Haiku Poets Hut?...visit here for all my haiku connections.
Haiku by contemporary poets, commentaries on and
interpretations of Basho's and other "old masters"
works and directions to other stops on the "lonely road"
Frequently Asked Questions, No answers, just questions.
Links to other sites on the Web
Meditations, Prayers, Contemplations & Warm Fuzzies
A wondrous selection of graphics of all sorts
My alter-ego, Randy, lives here at the Virginia Renaissance Faire!

Want to express yourself?
Don't look here, they're shutting
it down on October 26th, 2009
Free Home Pages